One Nerdy Cupcake

{August 16, 2012}   Travelling Circus

Orlando and Seattle BEWARE, I am about to invade your towns!

As I round out my last day in the office for the next 3 weeks I come to you bearing gifts of visiting things. And by bearing gifts, I mean this is my ridonkulous schedule of things I am doing.

I arrive in Orlando on Tuesday the 21st, around 4pm. I have a rental car, I will be the one carrying a ridiculous amount of luggage and will probably have a crazed look in my eye. That night I will be doing photography of the Orlando downtown area, and probably trying to find someplace to eat that won’t kill me.

Wednesday the 22nd I will be making a trip out to the Merritt Wildlife Refuge (about two hours from where I am staying) to do wildlife photos and definitely not try to bring home an otter. Because that would be the worst plan.

Wednesday night will be the night the Crew meets up for Star Wars Celebration, so I’ll finally get to see who everyone is. You all get to meet my annoyingly chipper self!

Thursday through Sunday I will be running dispatch for the Crew, along with the Bravo, also I will be playing photographer as much as I can. If you see me, come say hi! Do not be shy. If I am going crazy you’ll be able to tell right away. I am trying to be everywhere at once 🙂

Monday I will be hitting up Universal, specifically The Wizarding World of Harry Potter because ZOMG YOU GUYS ITS THE WIZARDING WORLD OF HARRY POTTER. I probably won’t be there too long, as I still have a lot of other work to do as well. Photo editing takes TIME, whodathunkit.

I take off from Orlando Tuesday morning and will be in Seattle that night. Will probably be working but I hear of Sock Adventures with Enforcers.

Wednesday and Thursday I will be working PAX: Dev, which is a non-press event so no coverage, but you can come find me about.

Friday-Sunday is PAX: Prime, where I will be working morning shifts in the Kraken Theater. After will be spent wandering and spending money I don’t have. Definitely a good time to find me. Monday is also a good day for this, as I really want to hit up the Science Fiction Museum and maybe some touristy things because I’VE NEVER BEEN TO SEATTLE AND I FEEL THAT THIS IS BLASPHEMOUS.

I return to Chicago on the 4th, at noon, where I will proceed to sleep until the 10th, when I have to return to the office.

Seriously though guys, if you are in either of those areas please feel free to come talk to me. I like networking and making new friends!

I am really trying to keep up with this and put up a post a week on top of everything else I am doing. Goal is to have the site relaunched before I leave on my cross country convention travels. But sometimes my brain is full of mushies and today was one of those days. Solution? Hit the Twitters. @TrinAndTonic tweeted at me “HOW ABOUT TWO OF THE LIVE ACIDOPHILUS CULTURES IN A YOGURT CUP GAIN SENTIENCE AND HAVE A CONVERSATION” which is my reminder as to why I don’t eat yogurt. Because I literally envision this EVERY TIME I see yogurt.

Acidophilus: Oh my goodness, I’m alive!

Other Acidophilus: I’m alive too!

Acidophilus: Hello fellow Acidophilus! Do you have a name?

Other Acidophilus: I do not, because I am just and Acidophilus! You can call me Cid!

Acidophilus: Hello Cid! I suppose I will be called Phil.

Cid: Hello Phil!

Phil: Hello Cid!

Cid: So do you think that other Acidophilus will be chatting with us soon?

Phil: I sure do hope so! I would like to know how others would feel swimming in a tub of ourselves!

Cid: Hey, what is that big thing above us?

Phil: Oh my god, it’s coming this way!

Cid: Quick Phil, run away!

Phil: I can’t, I am stuck in a pile of myself!


[spoon stabs through Cid]



I feel bad for Phil. He lost his only friend to me needing to eat. This is also why I can’t kill bugs, because I feel like they have families to go home to. Also now I’m feeling really guilty about eating meat. I think I’ll pet a cow on my way home. Yes, I can pet a cow on my way home. 

I also got a request from @mvbattista for a post about Pudding. 

Pudding is great right? Because it’s not alive like yogurt is. I don’t have to envision a tiny little acidophilus being ripped away from its family so that I can eat something. Plus it’s delicious! If I have my way it will probably be chocolate too, so you know. Chocolate pudding = the closest thing to yogurt I can eat.

But then again there are those people who use chocolate pudding as pranks, like putting it in a baby diaper and then eating it in public. Then there are those really cruel people in high school who would have people sit in chocolate. Like, how mean can you get? But seriously, those people who put it in baby diapers? That is cruel and unusual punishment to those of us who enjoy chocolate pudding, but have crazy OCD issues. YOU’RE SO MEAN.

Unless you’re actually eating Baby Poops. Then I request that you seek help.

Next request came from @lolatron, who requested a post about Unicorns.

Growing up I totally thought Unicorns were a real thing, not something that I dreamed of being real. I would see horses and ask to see unicorns as well. Most farmers thought I was a cute little girl, one was even so kind to put a paper towel tube on a horse for me. It was cute right? Until I got older and realized that those farmers were assholes in never telling me unicorns weren’t real. I read this book called The Last Unicorn and ran home crying to my aunt, who then realized this child has a way too active imagination, and was informed that Unicorns are not real. I also learned how Santa and the Easter  Bunny wasn’t real then too. Way to be an asshole about this, farmer men.

The thing is, I like to believe that unicorns still do exist. Because seriously, how awesome is a unicorn? Fuck you reality, that’s what I have to say about that. Unicorns are the shit, and ponies with paper towel rolls on their head are cute but they don’t fart rainbows.

That’s right, I said it.


Adding in the tags and topics make this the most random shit I think I’ve written. Want to request me to write something random for you? Tweet @1nerdycupcake or email me at!

{August 2, 2012}   Ding! Level 27!

Today is my birthday.

I think normal people react to their birthdays with happiness and enthusiasm.

Personally, my birthday has always had drama linked to it, so I don’t really celebrate it. Last year I was told if I didn’t have a party my sister and her friends would take me to this local AWFUL country western bar that would make me want to tear out my ears and eyes. So I had a BBQ. There was good times and not so good times.


(ok, I’ll stop with the gifs now. I’m a gif addict. I’m sorry.)

I’m tired of being 26 though, so now it’s time to ding at level 27. +5 health, +2 mana. Upgrades include a new spine, new podcast, new novel and new website.

One thing I have come to realize is how important certain people in my life are. To not embarrass them I won’t name names, but I probably wouldn’t have made it to today without them. Something that isn’t talked about much (or I’ve touched on but never really got into how bad it actually is) is the soul crushing depression that hits when going major medical issues and/or life changes. 26 was a hard year. It was a needed year, because I have learned from it. I’ve grown from it. There are moments and things that I regret, but I can’t dwell on it.

So here’s what I did learn.

♪ Some people change, but mostly they don’t. Battling addiction is hard, even after the first few years pass. Don’t take it for granted that you did it, but remember that you have to keep doing it.

♫ Art is my passion. Writing, Singing, Acting, Dancing, Directing…all of it. It is what I do, it is what I will do for the rest of my life. There is no point in pretending that I will be happy in a cubical.

♪♫ I don’t have to push myself so hard. I break my spine that way. Also anger the brain tumor and get sick a lot. I need to not do that.

♪♫♪ Stop dwelling on the past, you can’t change it. Life’s too short to be unhappy. So quit being unhappy and just be happy.

♪♫♫ The song “Who’s Next?!” by Porcelain Black is the best song to workout to. Make sure it is on your workout playlist 900 times.

♪♫♫♪ No matter what anyone says, you can do whatever you want to do. It might take more time than other things, it might be more work than other things. But be prepared for it, and go for it.

♪♫♫♫ The trains are always going to smell bad.

♫♫♫♫ Muay Thai probably saved my life, in a strange way. It helped me cope with the panic attacks, the depression and everything else. The tentative return date is September, after PAX. My physical therapist wants to see how I handle the 3 conventions in 2 weeks before giving me a for sure go ahead. I will never be able to compete again, but I can train and help train others. To get that far will be a blessing.

♪♫♫♫♫ Podcasting is probably the most fun thing next to conventions. Do that more.

♫♫♫♫♫ Don’t engage the trolls.

So what happens next?

This weekend involves wine, games and fun. I am not fearing anymore drama this weekend.

My schedule opens a bit, so I am going to write more for KryptonianSpade and more into Alternates (which is almost finished being mapped out!)

On August 21st I head to Orlando for Star Wars Celebration. From there, on the 28th I fly to Seattle (my first cross country flight ERMAHGERD) for PAX Dev and PAX Prime.

October I will be at New York Comic Con again!

I might have some announcements for November, if you’re in Texas keep an eye out 🙂

Moving forward, one day at a time.


Okay, I admit, that is bad even for me. Here is an actual picture to end this post with.



et cetera